My story

My awareness and enchantment for interior design started during childhood. I was the kid that rearranged our household furniture and saved up babysitting money to buy new accessories to decorate. This passion drove me to design school in New York City where the study of space, form and function were constantly at play as I wandered the city streets.

After my time in New York, my sense of curiosity and spirit of adventure took me to California where I decided to lay down roots for good. Building a business and raising a family has been the adventure of a lifetime. It is important to me to nurture the passions of my children and include them in mine. Here, you will find me out in nature or roaming through flea markets and antique stores in search of little treasures.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!